Recently talked with the travel nurse for our health insurance. We spoke for 40 minutes about the details (our best guess) of our upcoming trips to Ethiopia. I was amazed at the wealth of knowledge that this nurse had and I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of injections and medications that are recommended.
As a young child, I had an intense fear of needles. There is a story that my family likes to tell of my childhood vaccine trauma. It may have taken several people to hold me down so that I could get the injections. I do not remember this experience personally, so this may indeed be family lore. My sister fondly remembers this experience though, and still laughs about it to this day. (Love you, Jessi)
*Hepatitis A & B (Twinrix): This vaccine is needed at least six weeks before the start of the trip. Second dose of vaccine is needed one month after the first dose, third dose is needed 6 to 12 months from the start of the series. [$117.00 each dose]
*Influenza: This vaccine was discussed; will consider. If you choose to receive Flumist (live, intra-nasal vaccine), it must be given on the same day as yellow fever vaccine or separated by 28 days.
*Polio (Injectable): This vaccine is needed at least four weeks before the start of the trip. Travelers who have received a primary series with either IPV or oral polio vaccine (OPV) should receive another dose of IPV before departure. Available data do not indicate the need for more than a single lifetime booster dose with IPV. [$69.00]
*Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap): This vaccine is needed at least four weeks before the start of the trip.
*Typhoid (Live), Oral: You will be given 4 capsules. Take 1 capsule every other day with cool water one hour before a meal until finished. Keep capsules refrigerated. Do not start within 3 days of taking any antibiotic. Complete at least 3 days before starting any antibiotic including doxycycline. This vaccine is needed at least four weeks before the start of the trip.
*Yellow Fever: This vaccine is needed at least four weeks before the start of the trip. [$115.00] CDC yellow fever vaccination recommendation for travelers to Ethiopia.Vaccination should be given 10 days before travel and at 10-year intervals if there is ongoing risk. You will receive an International Certificate of Vaccination with this vaccine. This certificate is valid 10 days after vaccination and for a subsequent period of 10 years. Please carry this with your passport. Required when transiting through countries in the yellow fever endemic zone. * Available at Spokane Regional Health District.
*Malaria Prevention: - Doxycycline 100 mg. # 31: Take 1 tablet once daily starting 1-2 days before malaria exposure, during exposure, and for 4 weeks after leaving malarious area. [example: 50 tabs = $18.00] Areas of Ethiopia with Malaria: All areas at altitudes <2,500 m (<8,202 ft), except none in Addis Ababa.
Thanks, Group Health... looks like you've covered EVERY possible scenario :)